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How To Change Microwave Power Level: Quick And Effective Method That You Should Not Miss

how to change microwave power level

If you use a microwave, you can realize a button called “Power Level”. Most of those who use a microwave does not deeply know its power levels. However, they play an important role in certain tasks. Similar to adjusting the temperature of your hob or oven, how to change microwave power level of the microwave will make the difference in the finished dishes. Because several types of foods are more suitable for a slow approach, rather than high power. While other types of food will be cooked by using a high level of power. Moreover, you also can save energy and money by adjusting the cooking pow

What Are Functions Of Microwaves?

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Nowadays the microwave is one of the most necessary and convenient appliances in the kitchens. Microwaves are easy for us  to use and  unlike a standard oven, when using  the microwaves do not  must be preheated, which can  help you save energy

Today Modern microwaves can have more features than ever. They include settings for convection cooking, steaming,  grilling, and more. They have a variety of forms and sizes from small types that are designed to put on a countertop to bigger ones that can be built-in to cabinetry or wall.

Most microwaves just need several minutes to finish a dish, because they only heat your food and they do not need to waste energy to heat the cookware. Therefore, microwaves are usually tools of cooking that save a lot of electricity.  

What Is Microwave Power Level?

The power level in a microwave oven allows setting the percentage of the total output power ( measured in wattage) that the microwave should operate at.

Most digital microwaves will have 10 levels of power, each level corresponding to a 10% increase. Therefore, there will be 10 Power Level settings on a microwave, choosing “1” microwave will operate at 10% of the total power, choosing “2” it will operate at 20%, “3” at 30%, and so on.

Different Microwave Power Levels

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Very Low -Power Level 1 or 10% – Approx 100 Watts

This level is the lowest in a microwave oven which is 10% of the whole output power.

This is ideal for keeping food warm and defrosting gently big items like chicken. For the best results of defrosting, you should eliminate all packaging (because this can keep heat, which begins to cook the food). Once the time goes through, the chicken will still feel cold and have several remaining ice crystals. 

You should allow them to defrost naturally since if you continue to defrost in the microwave, they will be dried out. If there are any parts that are still frozen, you can rinse them with water. This very low level can also be applied to soften ice cream (only 30 seconds to one minute depending on its hard level  

Low – Power Level  2-4 or 20%-40% – Approx 200-400 Watts

This power level is low enough for you to defrost or soften things such as ice cream, chocolate, butter, and cheese. You can also use this power level for simmering rice and dumplings or cooking slowly. You can use this low level with types of foods such as eggs, chili, sauces, and stews. You are also able to bake fruit cakes with this low power level; it’s great for ensuring the mixture of high fat and high sugar won’t be burned because of overheating. 

Medium – Power Level 5 or 50% – Approx 500 Watts

This medium power level is suitable for cooking gently, simmering, or baking simply, for dishes that you are not able to stir and foods that have dairy. With this medium power level, you can use it for cooking types of dense foods that need much time to cook such as casseroles or beef dishes. With this power level, the meat will be tender without being dried out. Medium level is suitable for ham or pork because higher power can make the meat tough.

Medium-High -Power Level 6-8 or 60%-80%) – Approx 600-800 Watts

This level is great for reheating. It is pretty fast and gentle for foods that are already cooked. This is also suitable for baking or roasting meats. Normally, you should use Medium-High Level for a shorter period for Crispin and Medium Power Level for cooking slowly in a longer period of time for other main dishes and meats.

This power level is suitable to use if foods previously cooked in high heat come out. For joints, you have to raise the meat up by a rack – if your microwave accompanies one – and use baking parchment to cover loosely to reduce splatters. For a joint 2.25kg, you should try 20 to 30 minutes, then flip it over and repeat. With this power level, you also can bake a sponge cake, without being dried out.

High (Power Level 9-10 or 90%-100%) – Approx 900-1000 Watts

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Anything related to liquid is the best power level to apply for any type of food-related liquid. This is the quick-cooking setting from high wattage that is suitable for reheating types of food with a high content of water, such as canned food, soups, and hot drinks. 

However, liquids easily overheat, causing them to suddenly boil over. Because with this power level cooking is very fast. The best way to limit this is to stir before you put them into the microwave, stirring halfway through, and enable them to stand once the time has elapsed.

This high power level is also suitable for cooking ground meat, poultry, pasta, fish, lentils, fruit, or vegetables.


The levels of power have a vital function in presets of cooking. If your microwave accompanies popular cooking presets such as beverages, defrosting, popcorn, etc, then normal levels of power are at work there. When you choose a certain preset, your microwave will set the correct Power Level and the cycle of cooking for you. For example, when selecting “defrost”, the microwave will set the power level in the lower level.

How To Change Microwave Power Level

For digital microwaves, selection of the Power Level is done by pressing the suitable “Power Level” button and going to the selection that you want through the LCD screen.

However several microwaves may have a selector of manual knob for Power Level. And while others can have buttons of preset such as High, Medium High, Medium, Low, Very Low, etc

Step By Step Instructions

 Is changing the microwave power level important? yes, of course. Changing the microwave power level not only makes the dishes become more perfect but also helps you save energy and money. So, how to change the microwave power level quickly and effectively? 

Here we show you the simple and effective steps to quickly change the microwave power level  

Step 1: Set time to cook

Firstly, of course, you have to press the button ”open’’, then you put your food on the turntable and you press the POWER button on your microwave. Next, you have to touch ‘’COOK TIME’’. On the display will appear “00:00”.After that, you need to enter the time of cooking in seconds and minutes.

You have to be careful, you should not set too much time causing it to overcook.

The microwave does not need much time to cook. Overcooking will make a food dry out and may make it burn. Depending on the types of food you can set a different amount of time to cook.

Step 2: Press [Power Level] until the power level you want appears on the display window.

The highest power level is 10 or 100%, and the lowest power level is 1 or 10%. You need to delete the percentage which is pre-set by pressing the numbers that show the percentage of power you need the microwave to cook at. For example, If you want your microwave to operate at 50 percent of its power, you have to press the numbers “5” and “0’’ or button ” 5.”.

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Here are several examples of using various levels of microwave power

  • Power Level 1 or 10% is ideal for keeping food warm and defrosting gently big items like chicken. You should allow them to defrost naturally since if you continue to defrost in the microwave, they will be dried out. If there are any parts that are still frozen, you can rinse them with water. This very low level can also be applied to soften ice cream (only 30 seconds to one minute depending on its hard level  
  • Power Level 2-4 or 20%-40% is low enough for you to defrost or soften things such as ice cream, chocolate, butter, and cheese. it’s great for ensuring the mixture of high fat and high sugar won’t be burned because of overheating… Medium level is suitable for ham or pork because higher power can make the meat tough.
  • Power Level 5 or 50% is suitable for cooking gently, simmering, or baking simply, for dishes that you are not able to stir and foods that have dairy. you can use it for cooking types of dense foods that need much time to cook such as casseroles or beef dishes.
  •  Power Level 6-8 or 60%-80%l is great for reheating. It is pretty fast and gentle for foods that are already cooked. This is also suitable for baking or roasting meats. 
  • Power Level 9-10 or 90%-100% is the quick-cooking setting from high wattage that is suitable for reheating types of food with a high content of water, such as canned food, soups, and hot drinks.

Step 3:Press Start button.

Press the “Start” button after entering the power level you want the microwave to work at. After that, Your microwave turns on and begins cooking food. And then you just need to wait for a short time for it to cook. The time on the display window countdowns. After finishing cooking, there will be five beeps. 

If you want more details, check out this video:

Hight Power Microwave Review

GE Profile JES2251SJ

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This type of microwave includes a sensor that can detect when your foods are finished. If you want your veggies a little more tender or crisper than the sensor “thinks” is finished, you can use the less or more button. In this microwave, there’s a unique warm setting to keep your dish at the temperature of serving while waiting for everybody to come to the desk. 

This microwave can hold a big baking dish on its humongous turntable. On the holidays, you can see its big size handy for cooking a big amount of food. This oven can heat evenly and quickly due to 1,200 watts of power.

Toshiba EM925A5A Microwave

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This product is made of stainless steel and has a timeless design with its black; It is a Pre-programmed menu for 6 types of foods. You can start with one touch and access quickly to begin to cook. It is equipped with a power-saving Eco mode that is power-saving, a safety lock for children, and a sound on/off option.

This product has a kitchen timer and clock. The digital display is bright, it is easy for you to read the control panel. If you want to mute the buzzer, you just need to press the button “8” and keep it for 3-5 seconds. The buzzer is automatically turned off after a long beep

AmazonBasics Microwave

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With this microwave, it is more simple to make popcorn, defrost vegetables, reheat rice, and cook potatoes. With an Echo device (it’s not included and must be purchased separately), Easy voice or simple keyboard presets allow you to make Alexa requests like startup, quick cook, timer,… This product can be preset to cook fast by voice. It also has a simple keypad that allows you to ask it to start microwaving.

The digital display is bright, it is easy for you to read the control panel. The buzzer is automatically turned off after a long beep. It is equipped with a power-saving Eco mode that is power-saving, a safety lock for children, and a sound on/off option.


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Adjusting the power level of the microwave will make the dishes become more perfect and help you save energy and money. It’s necessary to change the microwave power level properly. We hope that you can apply the simple and effective way on how to change microwave power level from this article. Hopefully, this guide can help you. If you have any questions about these ways or would like to learn more about things, please leave comments below. Or If you find this article useful and like it, let’s share it for all people to read.

If you are looking for a microwave, you can consider several options we offer you about the quietest over range microwaves  or the quietest countertop microwaves 

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